A progress update - after three undercoats - here is the coaming repair - just three top coats of International Toplac gloss to go
Can barely see where I had to cut out huge chunks of wet rot and insert a new piece of ply!!
(see previous posts for that saga)
The split oars are in the same place - three undercoats and now awaiting three top coats and then a sanding of the varnished looms before three coats of new varnish

In the meantime, whilst waiting for paint to dry (not really but hey.....I need a weak excuse for posting the stuff below), I have been trying to get to grips with more astrophotography. On the one hand I am getting better at taking images with my small star tracker and a DSLR. Sadly, my two telescopes were not designed for doing astrophotography and whilst I really enjoy doing the observing bit, it is frustrating not being able to use them for any imaging other than a few grainy shots of the moon.
Above my table top beginner's dobsonian - Skywatcher Heritage 100
and below
my 150mm/750mm GOTO newtonian telescope - a skywatcher discovery 150i WIFI
The real steep learning curve though is in the learning how to post process the images I collect. I am trying to get to grips with specific stacking software such as Deepskystacker and then with general photography processing software - affinity photo. I am getting there and have learned heaps in the last few days but it is hard work!
Taken on the Heritage 100
I managed to botch together my basic DSLR, the end of a x2 Barlow lens, a small moon filter and a universal 1.25" T tube
Taken on my 150mm scope using my DSLR and a x2Barlow lens
My first effort at processing the Rosetta nebula taken on someone else's telescope.
The pink colours are wrong - it should be more reddish due to the hydrogen gas clouds.
This is where I still have lots to learn about workflow and skills using affinity photo
Shouldn't be too hard on myself - I managed to get this on my small star tracker.
It is processed in affinity photo but since I did this one a few months ago - I have learned heaps - so I might give the original data another going over. This is M45 Pleiades by the way
Life long learning eh? 😀
Awesome photos of the Rosetta nebula and the Pleiades Steve. The Pleiades one is now the screen background on my laptop. Hope you don't mind! :) Well done.
I dont mind at all - glad you like it. sorry about the slight fringing around it - still trying to work out how to get that gone but I'm starting from non photo processing background - so three steps forward and two back.
Have a lovely Christmas and new year now - best wishes to you and your family - stay safe and well
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