Arwen's meanderings

Hi everyone and welcome to my dinghy cruising blog about my John Welsford designed 'navigator' named Arwen. Built over three years, Arwen was launched in August 2007. She is a standing lug yawl 14' 6" in length. This blog records our dinghy cruising voyages together around the coastal waters of SW England.
Arwen has an associated YouTube channel so visit to find our most recent cruises and click subscribe.
On this blog you will find posts about dinghy cruising locations, accounts of our voyages, maintenance tips and 'How to's' ranging from rigging standing lug sails and building galley boxes to using 'anchor buddies' and creating 'pilotage notes'. I hope you find something that inspires you to get out on the water in your boat. Drop us a comment and happy sailing.
Steve and Arwen

Sunday, 21 August 2016

the sad news that Ken Duxbury has passed away.......

Sadly, at the age of 92, Ken Duxbury has passed away. With his wife B, he sailed a drascombe from Greece back to the Uk. The Lugworm Chronicles is the book I am reading now. An obituary can be found at the above website address


Rational Root said...

Sad news. I read the chronicles. A great book. I'd recommend it.

Anonymous said...

Sad news indeed. Ken taught me to sail when I was very young, and gave me a love of sailing and the sea which still informs my life to this day.
Jane Cullinan

steve said...

It is sad. I am reading Lugworm Chronicles at the moment. A great loss to the sailing community and I know all our thoughts and sympathies are with B and family