Arwen's meanderings

Hi everyone and welcome to my dinghy cruising blog about my John Welsford designed 'navigator' named Arwen. Built over three years, Arwen was launched in August 2007. She is a standing lug yawl 14' 6" in length. This blog records our dinghy cruising voyages together around the coastal waters of SW England.
Arwen has an associated YouTube channel so visit to find our most recent cruises and click subscribe.
On this blog you will find posts about dinghy cruising locations, accounts of our voyages, maintenance tips and 'How to's' ranging from rigging standing lug sails and building galley boxes to using 'anchor buddies' and creating 'pilotage notes'. I hope you find something that inspires you to get out on the water in your boat. Drop us a comment and happy sailing.
Steve and Arwen

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

bits and bobs part 2

Joel has suggested getting an 'anchor buddy'. He and many of his boat owning friends have been using one for years. Based on his recommendation I am thinking of getting one. I think it will be less hassle than the pulley system I have at the moment, although I haven't quite given up on it yet! I still think there is merit in trying to sort it out!
Getting hold of an anchor buddy in the UK is slightly tricky. There is only one supplier that I can find on Amazon/Ebay and through a general web search.

The principles are simple - its a big elastic band. Here is a video clip of how it works

It is for temporary use only and cannot be left overnight or unattended. Better, I suspect in calm conditions, the idea is simple. You attach the anchor to the anchor buddy. 30 feet out you drop the anchor and attached buddy over the stern and carefully motor into the beach, avoiding wraparound on the propeller! The anchor buddy stretches behind you up to around 45 feet. On arrival at the beach, take a bow line onto the beach, and from the beach, allow the anchor buddy to contract. In doing so, the boat is pulled back out to deep water whilst you pay out the bow line. When you want to leave pull in the bowline which stretches the anchor buddy as the boat comes towards you. Step on board and the buddy pulls you back into deeper water from which you can get ready to sail away after retrieving the buddy.

Further details can be found at

On a different matter, check out the video on dinghy cruising by our very own Roger Barnes of the Dinghy Cruising Association. Worth listening to the full presentation. Enjoy.



Bursledon Blogger said...

Presumably you could get the same affect by having a weight (an anchor angel) about half way along the scope of the stern anchor. It would then drop pulling the boat back off the shore.

Also getting some stretchy rope from some local mountaineers might help also.

Joel Bergen said...

You can also make your own Anchor Buddy. Buy 15 feet of heavy duty medical tubing. Tie two loops in your anchor line, 50 feet apart. Attach each end of the medical tubing to the loops.

steve said...

Thanks guys
Useful tips to feed into my thinking

Stuart said...

Have you thought of a killick? I think that's how it's spelled. Basically a heavy weight to which is attached your scope and a long line. When you are ready to "anchor" you place the weight on the bow, land on shore (holding on to a painter or warp well attached to the bow), push the boat off and then, when it's as far off as you want, pull on the line attached to the weight which plops into the water and holds the boat until you're ready to pull her in to the shore.
Clearly you need to adjust the lengths of the ropes to make all the manoeuvres work, but it's a system that I've seen used a lot by a chum and it's effective for short stays. Easier to demonstrate than describe!
Cheap, too!


steve said...

Thanks stuart
A similar idea is to put the anchor on the bow, push boat out, pull the anchor trip line so it drops off the bow. Then pull trip and drag anchor in when ready to depart.

Definitely a useful idea
Cheers Stuart