Winter is coming and Arwen is being packed away for the end of the season. And this has set me thinking! What do people do to pack away and winterize their boats?
This has been my routine for the last few years but I'm sure there are better ways or things I have forgotten to do.
- clear all equipment out of the boat
- hoover the floor area and thwarts - check for cracks and damaged paint work as doing
- wash all the hull interior - ditto the checks
- wash the hull - ditto the checks
- check inside all hatch/floatation tanks - clean them out and ditto the checks
- remove and clean hatch covers - allow ventilation
- carry spars into the garage - remove sails
- take sails into the house to lay out in dining room - check and clean; when dry, fold and store
- check bowsprit, boomkin and rudder and clean each
- lift sleeping platform - clean and check for cracks
- remove electric bilge battery and charge up
- clean and dry all boat cushions
- clean, dry and check lifejackets and Buoyancy Aid
- clean and check safety equipment - fire extinguisher, fire blanket, first aid kit, radar reflector, drogue and rode, jack lines and safety harness/lines
- recoil and check all mooring and anchor warps - I know some people wash them in the washing machine - I'd die if I tried that! The boss would know - even if she was out at the time. Sometimes, depending on their state I will wash them in a bucket of hot soapy water
- go through and check all fixtures and fittings on mast, spars, boom, boat deck and cockpit
- check date and state of flares
- charge up VHF and clean it
- clean charts and chart plastic folders

With regard to my engine
- start it and let it run in its water bin
- switch off fuel supply to let it run and empty carb
- when engine has cooled - clean the outside - soapy warm water
- lift cowling and clean interior
- spray with protective coating - I use CRC 6 -66. It was recommended to me by the Tohatsu dealer who delivered my renewed lower gear unit (I discovered a quality control, manufacturing fault when doing one of my annual services and so Tohatsu kindly replaced the lower unit free of charge). Anyway, CRC 6-66 is a maintenance and protection spray. A lubricant and corrosion inhibitor, I also use it on exterior components as well at end of season.
Mike, via the Small Traditional Sailing Boats group forum shared a tip. He uses a 'misting oil' to spray the bores and stop rusting. I'll investigate further but wonder if it is similar to my CRC 6 -66 stuff above.
With regard to my trailer
- clean wheels and tyres
- flush all the trailer
- re-grease wheel bearings via grease nipples
- re-grease keel roller spindles marine waterproof grease
- check all U bolts and nuts
- clean and grease the hitch
- ditto the winch
- clean the lighting board - WD40 connecting pins
This is a start - I'm sure there is more I do.
If you have anything to add, drop me a comment and I'll add it in to this post