Arwen's meanderings

Hi everyone and welcome to my dinghy cruising blog about my John Welsford designed 'navigator' named Arwen. Built over three years, Arwen was launched in August 2007. She is a standing lug yawl 14' 6" in length. This blog records our dinghy cruising voyages together around the coastal waters of SW England.
Arwen has an associated YouTube channel so visit to find our most recent cruises and click subscribe.
On this blog you will find posts about dinghy cruising locations, accounts of our voyages, maintenance tips and 'How to's' ranging from rigging standing lug sails and building galley boxes to using 'anchor buddies' and creating 'pilotage notes'. I hope you find something that inspires you to get out on the water in your boat. Drop us a comment and happy sailing.
Steve and Arwen

Saturday 27 April 2024

UK navigator for sale


Anonymous said...

No boat found at this address. Probably sold?

steve said...

I suspect so - they are good boats

steve said...

Are you interested in buying a navigator in the UK?

Simon Owens. said...

Hello Steve, I have been looking through your 'very extensive' blog and also watched some of your dinghy sailing videos. They're great! I wondered if you had any advice for as to where I might be able to keep my laser dinghy whilst crusing around the Salcombe Estuary, Kingsbridge etc? I am at present keeping her on Mill Bay beach but my time runs out there in a week an a half. Any thoughts, or may I e mail you somehow? All the best, Simon Owens.

Jeremy Radawiec said...

I was worried you were selling your boat!

steve said...

jeremy - selling arwen - not yet :)
Simon, sorry about late pick up of this one - have been away travelling. I am afraid I have no idea on where else you could keep it in that area - I dont know the facilities over there that well - sorry!