Saturday 27 April 2024

UK navigator for sale


  1. No boat found at this address. Probably sold?

  2. I suspect so - they are good boats

  3. Are you interested in buying a navigator in the UK?

  4. Hello Steve, I have been looking through your 'very extensive' blog and also watched some of your dinghy sailing videos. They're great! I wondered if you had any advice for as to where I might be able to keep my laser dinghy whilst crusing around the Salcombe Estuary, Kingsbridge etc? I am at present keeping her on Mill Bay beach but my time runs out there in a week an a half. Any thoughts, or may I e mail you somehow? All the best, Simon Owens.

  5. I was worried you were selling your boat!

  6. jeremy - selling arwen - not yet :)
    Simon, sorry about late pick up of this one - have been away travelling. I am afraid I have no idea on where else you could keep it in that area - I dont know the facilities over there that well - sorry!


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.