Saturday 21 December 2019

Some of the posts from 2019.......

May I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Over the festive season, if you need a quick fix of dinghy cruising nautica, here are some of the posts from 2019.....

I managed to sail up two rivers without resorting to the outboard. I started to learn some canvas work skills, built a set of oars and reshaped the yard and boom. I added five new videos to my YouTube channel at

I saw plenty of wildlife, visited some lovely traditional boatyards and met wonderful new people.

Anyway, have a wonderful festive break - see you out on the water in 2020.

Finally in print

Sailing back from the river Yealm

Making a sailors ditty bag

Making new shrouds for Arwen

Note: these are the old shrouds - I made new ones out of dyneema

Building a new pair of oars - part 11

Sailing up South Pool creek

Charging a VHF using portable power banks

A day sail around Plymouth Sound

Getting great photographs of your boat out on the water

Safety considerations  - what do you carry in your PFD?

Making galley boxes - an update


  1. Happy Christmas, Steve - and fair winds for 2020..

  2. Tha ks steve and merry Christmas to you too

  3. Hello, hope that you had a Merry Christmas. I'd like to know a little more about the raised coming around Arwens cockpit. What are the pros and cons of such a setup?
    Cheers from Beth in Canada

  4. hi beth from canada - hope yu had a lovely christmas - happy new year to you.
    advantages: deflects water down side decks brilliantly; deflects spray well; gives greater back support when seated in arwen; good for attaching flexible plumbing pipe into deck eyes on coaming sides which supports boom tarp tent well and stretchesit out wider to give more headroom in cockpitgood for attaching camera clamps etc for gopros; great when camping as rainwater flows down tarp, drips onto side decks but coamings prevent most of it coming inside boat (wierdly). disadvantages - cant sit out on side deck without cushion over coaming as hurts thighs; have to adjust rowlocks to make blocks to sit alongside outside coaming and then need sliglty taller rowlocks so oars dont hit coamng or rub on upper gunwale; did affect downhaul tack for a while as couldnt apply sufficient luff tension - but rigged a new system below foredeck which sorted it. i think advantgaes of dry boat far outweigh minor disadvantages. hope that helps.


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.