Tuesday 8 January 2019

sailing plans

........... have been amended.

With winds directly out of the north, sailing the Kingsbridge estuary is a pointless exercise so tomorrow is a sail around Plymouth Sound day. The intention is to sail from QAB over to Cawsand, stop off on the beach for a bacon sarnie and then sail up to Barn Pool and stop off the beach for a quick cuppa and then a return to QAB. A possible diversion might be up the Plym but that depends on what mood I am in.

Looking forward to the first sail of 2019. It will be chilly but fun

HT around 0730 5.05m  LT around 1350 1.2m
winds force 4 decreasing to less than force 3 around 8 kts gusting to 12kts. Sea state slight, visibility good. 

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