Friday 4 January 2019

Dinghy cruising preparing for forthcoming Salcombe sail

The trouble with winter camp cruising isn't the weather I have concluded but the issue of sunrise and sunset. Of course, I could be wrong on this! However, this weekend typifies what I mean.

The winds on Sunday and Monday will be pleasant so no huge gusts and no wind chill to contend with. I'd like to sail from Batson Creek up to Kingsbridge and overnight there before sailing back down and around the outer estuary on the Monday. Tides will be 18.22 and 4.9m on Sunday evening and 0645 and 4.9m on Monday morning. Kingsbridge is accessible around 2 hrs either side of high water on this tide height. Or so I have been told by locals today.

It starts getting dark around 16.30 and I would have around 2 or 3 miles of sailing to do to get up to Kingsbridge from the Frogmore creek entrance.
Ho hum. Do I risk it? I could motor the last section if need be under a white nav light on the mast. The little marina basin  at Kingsbridge is well lit so I wouldn't have problems putting up the tent.
On the Monday morning, I'd have to collapse the tent in the dark and then motor down rapidly to the deeper water before the tide drains out. This would have to be under a white nav light again.

Decisions, decisions.
Alternatively I could wait for an early afternoon high tide, a week later and sail then?
Phew, tough decisions this winter sailing lark!

In the meantime, a stroll over Snapes Point afforded some photo opportunities with the new camera and my DJ Spark Drone.

batson creek salcombe
 Looking across to Salcombe and along to the Batson Creek fish quayside

Looking back up Batson Creek as the tide starts to flood

Salcombe on a gloomy January afternoon 
Calm has returned as the population falls from its summer peak of 20,000 to its winter number of around 1500 permanent residents

So many conversions and new builds

sailing in salcombe
The passenger ferry continues to ply its way across the fairway

south pool creek salcombe
The entrance to South Pool Creek, one of my 'planned' future trips 

The 'Bag' area

Serenity, all the visiting yachts from summer have melted away

frogmore creek in salcombe and kingsbridge estuary
The entrance to Frogmore Creek with the Salt Stone mid channel on the left

Looking up river to Kingsbridge in the distance

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