Wednesday 9 January 2019

Dinghy cruising: Frustration

This morning dawned minus 1C with iced cars and drive. The car parked opposite the drive hasn't been here for weeks and so I didn't take the boat off the drive yesterday. Yep, it returned late last night and didn't depart this morning until 11 am by which time I had missed the tides at the launch ramp. There is no chance of getting the boat off the drive if a car parks opposite anyway.

And to add to the frustration? Today there was a pod of ten common grey dolphin in the sound entertaining the lunch time crowds on the Hoe.

Right place, wrong time, as always!!

As I said, frustrating. Sooo frustrating!

Needless to say, the boat is off the drive ready for tomorrow. Lets hope the dolphin have decided to stay an extra day!

Hopefully tomorrow, the dreaded crease will be a thing of the past 

When he can get the boat off the drive!!

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