Thursday 9 April 2015

The gadget show live

We have just returned from travelling up north to see relatives and to stop off at the gadget show live. For overseas readers, the gadget show is a popular show about technology on channel five here on UK TV. It's rather fun and somewhat geeky but very popular. 
We didn't attend the live shows but did have a good old browse around the exhibition stands at the NEC. 
I'm not sure what I was expecting but what I found didn't meet whatever the expectations were that I thought I had....If that makes sense. I came away neither impressed nor disappointed. I found some interesting tech....clever designs. I was impressed by the 3D printers on show; there were some nifty small camera lense attachments for smart phones. 'Her indoors' was very impressed with some kitchen utensils, which, in fairness, were quite clever and time saving. I liked the new personal transport tech ......... Along the lines of smaller segways....much smaller. One was a single wheel with foot plates either side, which demonstrators whizzed around on....brilliant for city commuting! The son of Clive Sinclair was there launching a new C5 but in a bike format with an integral crash resistant seating cockpit. Quite clever, but will it catch on? 
There were plenty of exhibits selling latest sound technology gizmos. 

I was hoping for some really whizzy tech but I couldn't find it. Lots of drones with cameras in them; lots of new action cameras.......overpriced and/ or similar to the GoPro range but cheaper and of lesser quality. 
So where were the big tech stores showing cutting edge Apple, Samsung technology? Or the latest in wearable tech.....not that I am that interested?  What about the latest in sat nav and GPS technology?

In fact, it is clear that the Southampton boat show is the place for anything nautical tech. And then it dawned on me. I'm not into lifestyle tech and that was what this was all about. I'm into tech to do with the outdoors, photography, video creation etc...and well there just wasn't enough of that. 

Still it was a fun day out supplemented by a very worthwhile visit to the Birmingham museum and art gallery. Some really interesting exhibits there!!

And, somewhat cryptically, Paul, sorry we were not back in time for your visit to Plymouth. I did try contacting you via your email but I'm not sure whether you got the reply or not. If you are down this way again, contact me and we will see if we can set it up so you get a sail in Arwen as well as a look over of her, and yes, she is well worth building in my humble opinion. But then I am biased and know very little about sailing, boats or boat building. I like her, what else can I say?


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Steve, I'll get in touch next time I'm down your way. Cheers, Paul


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