Tuesday 14 April 2015

Some bits and bobs

The problem of refuelling an outboard out at sea which hangs off the transom was a topic on the DCA Facebook page.
It's a good point. I hate hanging off the back balancing in waves. Up rivers is fine but out at sea it is different. Especially around the mouth of the Tamar when tide is rushing out and wind is rushing in! Trying to keep hold of a funnel, a one litre fuel bottle, a fuel bottle cap.......way too much stress!
 This solution is neat
I think it may well be worth doing although where I would stash the large fuel tank, I'm not sure. Also, I wonder whether the fuel pipe and bulb would get in the way of the rudder?
Is an alternative to just unscrew the outboard fuel cap and insert the hose and then pump fuel in?
Worth giving some further consideration.


  1. Hi Steve, it looks good. My method is even wimple, I bought a syphon pump of eBay (2 for £3) and just pump the fuel in by hand. It takes just a minute or two, with no means it fuss. I've been doing it this way for years and the pump takes up next to no space at all. Phil.

  2. Ah that's a good idea as well Phil
    Thanks for the tip
    Will take a look

  3. I converted our Mariner 4HP so it could use a remote tank or the integral. It was easy and the most expensive part was the tank.

    Good thing about the tank was it's a good capacity when buying and carrying fuel to the boat.

    Should be able to convert any outboard that has a diaphragm in the carb.

    drop me an email if you want details


  4. Cheers max
    Lots to think about


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