Monday 6 April 2015

Post traumatic reflections

Boy am I glad I put a hole in the rear of the centre case cap! And that I carry a purposely designed off cut of broom handle to poke down it!

Seriously, the pulley system works, after all, I did manage to haul Arwen out a few metres on the system during my muppet like panic. So I don't want to abandon the idea quite yet. Perhaps a better chosen beach next time, although choices around Plymouth Sound are somewhat limited. Certainly, it was a Lee shore and I was seduced by the small less than a foot high waves periodically breaking on it in flat no wind conditions. Lesson learned the hard way there I think.  In avoiding Cawsand beach where dinghies we readying with gig crews for a day on the water, I may have made an error of judgement. Cawsand beach was even more sheltered and well could have been the better option.
I think, flat, sandy, sheltered beach with no waves so to speak......for next that would be a trip to Salcombe then for its next test. I also think taking the pulley system and an anchor down to the local playing fields to lay it out and work out distances etc would prove beneficial.  Sort out the kedge anchor so that it can just be attached to a fixed known length of anchor warp easily would also help. A fender attached to the drainpipe will keep it floating higher at the surface as well.

Later on after I have marked all the GCSE coursework, I will take a look under Arwen and see what hull damage was done. I suspect there are a few scrapes and gouges which will need sorting out.
Hey ho! Some valuable lessons learned and some useful reminders of what I had forgotten.........not least of which is ................
My friend has legendary patience and stoicism!


  1. It is amazing how even the slightest and indirect swell (or motorboat wash) can pound a boat as it approaches the beach. I managed to dump Erica out of the inflatable on the calm west side of Barbados no idea where the wave came from just as we were about 15 feet from the beach.

    Put it down to a good practice session and experience gained.

  2. I can only find one anchor buddy on eBay Joel and I think it is worth the investment.

    And yep max, sometimes you just have to chalk it up to experience!!!!
    He says ruefully!


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