Sunday 13 October 2013

Editing video clips

Is becoming a pain! GoPro Studio 2 is not living up to what I expected. After spending an hour or two editing the film clips and saving them, it refuses to export them into a final movie because I need to update my intel integrated graphics program. Having already done this is irritating to say the least that now I have a partially finished movie ready to go and can't export it anywhere because the stupid program won't let me. Frustrating does not describe it. Time is precious as it is without wasting it on stupid tags like this. In the meantime windows movie maker struggles to cope with any files from a GoPro.

I would do it on the iPad but that has insufficient room on it because it is taken up with photographs which won't put themselves into google Dropbox or photo stream I'm doubly frustrated.
There are times when I really hate technology!!!!

In the meantime the GoPro footage from yesterday is not good. The weather conditions we such that the camera kept fogging and this blurs pictures badly. The little card strips that you put in the camera waterproof casing were ineffective. The blustery conditions made it impossible to use a pole so the shots a somewhat simple and basic.

Still, over the next week between all the work that needs doing at home, I will try and snatch a few minutes to keep adding bits to windows movie maker in the hope that I can make a short clip of this weekend's sail.

In the meantime the wife wants the house cleaned, number one son needs help with UCAS applications and sorting out what  he wants to do next summer; number one daughter wants ferrying too and from work; and a stack of school work , around five hours worth sits on the desk before me. Yep it is a typical Sunday time over!

Retirement lurks six years can't come quick enough!


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