Sunday 13 October 2013

Looking back over records.......

In my RYA dinghy log I discovered that in 2013 I have sailed thirteen times thus far. In 2012 I sailed thirteen times. In 2011 I sailed, yes you've guessed it, thirteen times.  2010 and 2009 varied from this average, twelve times!
Most of my sailing has been within Plymouth Sound. Over to Cawsand, around the breakwater  and over  to Penlee Point are clear favourites. There have been forays up the Tamar, up the Lynher and over to the Yealm and back.  Longer trips have been done to Salcombe and Fowey.

It has been a year since I camped on board Arwen.  I haven't yet managed to make a Dinghy Cruising  Association meeting yet, something I am keen to rectify.  I haven't yet been fully up the Lynher, another thing I want to correct sometime before the end of 2013 if I can. Similarly, a cruise up the Tamar as far as Calstock would be challenging and rewarding.

Time is running out; the weather is closing in. I need to get some plans and dates sorted if any of these things are to happen before the end of the year.

On a positive note I have managed to sail up alongside a pontoon once or twice this year and sailed in winds around force five with gusts above this. I have even managed to reef Arwen once!!!


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