Sunday 13 October 2013

Up the River Lynher

I popped across to 'Boating World' at Landrake this morning to see what their mooring facilities were like. I'm toying with sailing  up the Lynher and then up their creek to moor overnight. the man in charge Ken made me very welcome, gave me his card and said he was sure they could sort something out.

The slipway at Boating World

Looking up river

Boating World has an interesting air about it. There are several old boats and barges moored permanently alongside some old pontoons...they act as 'liveaboards'. A whole community exists there tucked away up this backwater.

looking downstream

I rather liked this wee boat

The channel seems navigable. There are poles marking port and starboard areas and where the channel is. I think it would be quite a little adventure.

I also called in at St German's. That is another possibility at the upper reaches of the Lynher. I could overnight alongside the quay wall if people at St German's didn't mind too much. I was surprised at how wide the channel was although I was seeing it at top of tide I suspect. I bet it is a narrow meandering channel with extensive mudflats either side when the tide is out.

looking back down the Lynher

I'd have to take very careful notice of the marker poles if I don't want to beach myself

looking  upriver under the viaduct which carries the main railway line down to Penzance


  1. Steve, those shots of Boating World remind me somewhat of my old sailing grounds - the Sacramento Delta in California. Not so much the geography but the "feel" of the place.

    I'm looking forward to your trip report.


  2. Yo Bob. Yeah, I know what you mean. It was an odd feeling walking around there. I was made to feel very welcome but there was a sense of a backwater, of a time stood still slightly....I'm not saying that is a bad thing .....just that it was a noticeable atmosphere......some of the boats out of water on stilt supports had seen better days or needed new antifouling etc.......

    I loved the place but it was like stepping in to another world.


  3. What a great place, looks like a lot of fun to be had exploring and just generally floating around.

    isn't that "wee boat" the one designed and built by roger Dongrey's niece - forget the name featured in classic boat 10 or 12 years ago

  4. Hi BB
    Could well be. haven't just read somewhere about a new design of his......perhaps mentioned in Watercraft....a golant gaffer?
    Or maybe I have the wrong designer



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