Wednesday 23 February 2011

new zealand earthquake

I just wanted to say to all those living in New Zealand who read this blog that our thoughts are with you, particularly those around Christchurch. I have a brother and his family living in Christchurch, who thanks heavens are safe. Through the wonders of Skype I have been able to seem them and get a visual on how they are coping. I know how lucky they have been. However, through contact with them I am also deeply aware of how desperate the situation is for so many. I can do very little from here in the UK at the moment other than give support to charities who are going out to help there and to keep in regular contact with my brother to make sure he and his friends are ok.
Our thoughts are with you all.



  1. I join you in that. It seems so terribly cruel that they should have their safety and confidence undermined again so soon.
    In Australia this Summer we have had areas under continued flood, others knocked over by cyclone and flood, and yet others hit by wildfire. Our brothers over our 'ditch' have had earthquakes before and after these calamities of ours.
    I'm confident that the Kiwis have everything necessary within them to overcome yet another disaster, but they are in for a long battle in recovery.

  2. actually i should have said the same to all those australians especially in queensland - sorry. i sort of subconciously think that most of my contact is with new zealanders - but of course it isn't - as you are a case to illustrate - sorry rob!


  3. Steve, I wasn't pulling you up on that!
    And I certainly didn't mean to belittle the NZ experience by comparing disasters. I was just noting how their terrible toll has sort of framed a rather nasty time for many in the region. Nature seems very, very cross.

  4. oow - no - i wasn't suggesting you were at all rob - sorry! you are right - it has been terrible in your part of the world and actually I should have thought about those in queensland as well - I was remiss
    nature does indeed seem really cross!



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