Wednesday 23 February 2011

...other boats have a

Logos! There has been a small debate – a few posts really about having a sail emblem for navigators on John’s yahoo forum. John has a small compass north arrow with an N on it on his plans for navigator – I quite like it. Then Steve (another Steve, not me) came along asking if he could play about with it and his daughter did a very nice design.......and then I copied that and then tried to amalgamate elements of John’s original design into it....and well, I quite like it – I think!

I could see it on the sails – white logo on Tan sails – rather like the emblems on Cornish shrimpers. It would be relatively unknown and get people thinking! All I have to do is now check with Stephen, his daughter and John – because copyright is theirs.....and apart from which Stephen may have been wanting something unique to his navigator – which I fully understand, and his daughter came up with it (talented lady) and rightly so. But it has got me thinking and I need to ask John would he mind if I came up with a logo for Arwen? I’m slightly ambivalent but there is an excellent book about the navigator by Robert logo?


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