Sunday 27 February 2011

a new navigator is launched.......

A new navigator has been launched. Steve's 'Annalisa' hit the water and looks awesome - fantastic colour scheme too.

A lovely navigator - you could recognise those lines anywhere...if you were in the 'know'

I often wondered what Arwen might have looked like with white sails and here is the answer. There are some other differences I note between 'Annalisa' and 'Arwen' as well as just sails. There seem to be two chain plates....intriguing and I'm left wondering why. The bowsprit seems to be a different arrangement as well.  There is some form of jib track/car system and I really like the outboard well inside the boat. The big wooden blocks on the outside of the coaming for rowlocks seem to be slightly further aft than Arwen's as well.  I am always fascinated at how other navigator builders make alterations to suit their purposes. There are some equipment fittings here which really get me thinking. This is another beautiful boat, a credit to both designer and builder.

nice sail setting - that top yard seems to come further forward of the mast than mine
photographs:copyright Steve Thorpe

Congratulations Steve - I know you will get huge enjoyment, satisfaction and pride from 'Annalisa'. In my limited experience thus far - a John Welsford navigator seems to be a head turning crowd puller both within and outside of the sailing community wherever you may be.


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Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.