Sunday 14 January 2024

The Witch Head nebula

 Proud of this one - difficult target - a reflection nebula. So no filters used to bring out the details.


Canon 800D, Samyang 135mm at F/2.8, Skywatcher Star Adventurer 2i Pro, carbon fibre tripod, William optics wedge, Celestron power tank, dew band heater

Photo - 400 x 30" ISO 800  F/2.8; 25 darks, bias and flat calibration frames 

Processing: SIRIL, Starnet++ and Affinity Photo


  1. What does this have to do with sailing? Astral photography is fine, but done better by NASA, I can look at their pics if I want to see this stuff. Start a different blog for this if you must post these, but keep this blog about the boat it’s named after!

  2. Oh dear! Well this blog is overwhelmingly about my boating but when the weather is not conducive to sailing, it is on rare occasions, about my astrophotography journey. Take care, fair winds.


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