Sunday 31 December 2023

Happy New Year to you all

 Happy New Year to you all wherever you may be on our wonderful, special planet.🎄🎅🎇

I'm afraid to look back to the post I did this time last year. It was a list of 'new year resolutions' for 2023 with regard to sailing. I'm pretty sure it will be the same as the one below for forthcoming 2024, but here we go anyway....

  1. fix the trailer so the boat doesn't keep jamming on it
  2. sail down to Fowey and up to Lostwithiel
  3. sail around to Salcombe and then on around Start Point and over to the Dart, up to Totnes
  4. sail from Totnes back down the Dart and around to Torbay
  5. learn to do better sail trimming
  6. revise and relearn everything I've forgotten about inshore passage planning 😕
  7. decide whether to replace some of the cleats in the cockpit
  8. re-bolt the stern cleats
  9. get one night time shot of Arwen dried out on a beach under the milky way!
  10. do a better job as one of the admins of the Small Traditional Sailing Boat Facebook group. My other admin colleagues have been very kind and forgiving of my lack of contribution in recent months and I owe it to them to put this right in 2024. 
If you haven't yet found this Facebook forum group - look it up - a wonderful group 12,000 strong of kind, good humoured, talented people.  I mean on what other facebook group forum would you get
  • #campingafloat (on monday)
  • #artontuesday
  • #saturdayisdetailday
  • #boatofthemonth
  • #telltales - intriguing stories and history behind your boat
  • #burgee - where's your boat been - post a picture
  • #bookonthehook - your best inspiring reads...nautically themed
  • #practicalprojects
All to do with small traditional sailing boats - and that's a broad church so to speak! 

Happy new year to you all. Fair warm winds and calm seas to all my sailing friends and of course, clear skies to all my astrophotography and astronomy ones. 

Steve and Arwen 

and I leave you with the some of the photos I am most proud of from 2023. It took blood, sweat, tears and mountains of new learning to achieve these ...... 😄

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Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.