Monday 18 January 2021

The new astronomy....sorry.......... coffee table

 To accompany the garden chairs, we need a folding coffee table. Having just invested in a new telescope, which will be used on the terrace in the upper garden area, the furniture will forthwith become known as the 'astronomy' furniture. Hence it isn't a coffee table - its an astronomy table. 

I may even smuggle it onto Bryony our motorhome!

The two Kentucky stick chairs
You can find details about how to build them at 

Putting in the cross struts on the coffee table top

Sanding done on the top - time to sand all edges and the base


  1. Long nights looking at stars require much coffee.. You took care of everything!

  2. Thank you - it will be used for coffee and then all the bits and pieces of telescope work - star atlas, camera, lenses, eyepieces, head torches and lots more.

    I would love to have the starry skies you have in Italy but sadly we have too much light pollution. But, I am fortunate that I can escape to a few dark sky areas within 2 hrs drive of where i live and for this I am very lucky.


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