Friday 14 August 2020

Special days

 Minke whales, giant tuna and hordes of dolphins and porpoise off Plymouth Sound? Reports in the local paper?

Well I had to go see for myself. We all know how the first trip went - see the post before last! This time I after un-forecast windless conditions, I arrived late to the show and so caught the tail end of it........

But ..........2 sunfish, a few jelly fish, several porpoise, a Minke whale, Exocet-like  diving gannets and a shoal of frenzied feeding blue tuna....and yes, porpoise do jump out of the water to catch tuna in mid-flight! And not another boat around me!

Didn't get photos but did get some video!! To be posted soon. 

But whilst you wait this kayaker was out earlier than me on the same day and this is what he/she saw.........I was half a day behind him.......



  1. Very jealous Steve, we just don't get the same sea life in the Solent - the best we've seen are the odd seal.

    I've been following Rupert's blog for a while now thinking I must get out more and further on our kayaks but as always time, getting adequately prepared and being busy get in the way.


  2. Hi Max. Been enjoying recent posts - glad family having fun and are safe and well. Rupert's blog is most inspiring and he certainly paddles some distances. He is going out very early in the morning before the shipping has started out there. i was on tail end of it. cracking day though


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