Friday 14 August 2020

Dinghy Cruising Association Bulletin

 This is an excellent small boat magazine full of interesting articles, ranging from book and equipment reviews to rally reports, in-depth articles about a range of topics from historical research about small boats to voyage accounts, fitting out boats, anchoring techniques, sail configurations and much more beside. An encyclopedia of knowledge about dinghy cruising but also on occasions about old historic boat designs. 

I particularly enjoyed the articles on cruising the rivers Lynher and Tamar and getting to know your standing lug rig yawl in the most recent publications. Written by an idiot but reasonably entertaining I guess. At least he hasn't killed or endangered anyone.....yet 🙄😁

If you are into dinghy cruising I would heartily recommend joining the DCA whether you live in UK or not. The bulletin is excellent value for money......well I think so. 



  1. I read the loong articles in the dca journal. Wonderful read.

  2. Yeah sorry - were rather long - working on that conciseness thingy still - could do it in educational journals but it has somehow deserted me now in my hour of need - ho hum!

  3. Apologies not necessary at all Steve. This is the thing we love to do so no words should be spared and splurging is allowed.
    I did lose the summer edition to the ocean last week. A reprinted will be requested today. Don't want to miss one in my collection.

  4. I intend to get it better and more concise should there ever be another time :)

  5. Very enjoyable articles Steve, can’t wait to get on the water myself.


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