Tuesday 10 March 2020

Building an outboard stand

With time on my hand, it is time to learn how to service my own outboard engine. I'm not very trusting of some of the local outboard engineers locally. When I had to replace the fuel tank last year because it had cracked around the filler cap area - several I approached for a quote told me it was a complicated job and would cost in the region of £150 to get the tank and fit it.

I did it myself and the tank cost £80, the job took 15 minutes flat and was easy peazy! £70 saved.  I'm going to teach myself how to service the outboard and change the oil as well.

For this I need to build a stand.

As I grow older, I'm conscious that carrying the outboard down the steep drive or carrying it up the steps to the back garden area where there is a large dustbin full of water, becomes slightly harder.  So maybe it is time for a stand on wheels that can also have a smaller bucket of water and a hose pipe supply for when I want to test or flush the engine through.

So far, a quick internet search shows that these seem to be the popular DIY stands. I have plenty of  10cm x 4cm lumber  and some 20cm x 45cm as well. So I guess I can make something. Some scrap 9mm ply could make corner/leg braces as well.

I just have to decide what design to go with now.............................. comments, observations and suggestions welcomed as always

I'm favouring this one at the moment but I haven't worked out why yet 

The dimensions of my outboard are as follows: 

Postscript One:

A number of people on different FaceBook forums very kindly sent me these photographs below of designs they had built - so some more thinking to do and my grateful thanks to them for their help 

Postscript 2

Lots of people on Facebook have been recommending using an old sack trolley - you used to find them on station platforms and they are frequently used by van delivery drivers. I've taken a look at them and I can see why - put a piece of wood across the top between the handles and you have a portable outboard engine carrier; you can stand them upright with outboard attached and its lower part in a large bucket etc.  I could get one off Facebook Market Place for around £30 second hand or a new one from Screwfix for around £35. 

But, I've got lots of timber lying about....and......I need a project....... and I like making things even if they never turn out as I planned or expected .......... I'm leaning to the one above where I have the plan images...........


  1. They all look good, I like the bottom one as it seems to have plenty of room to work around the lower leg if necessary.

    Working on outboards is pretty easy - tip every time you remove a bolt or not grease it when you reassemble - will stop it corroding for next time.

    Go for it

  2. hi Max - hope you all well in the BB household. Yep _I'm leaning towards the bottom two more and more and principle of KISS - which I never manage to achieve - as I am blessed with this unique ability to over-complicate the simple :)

    I've got the marine grease ready to go. I'll get this built ready for my inevitable period of self isolation........go carefully my friend - stay safe and healthy in the BB household.

  3. I was thinking I needed to do the same just the other day, so publish your plan and I will build as well.. :o)

  4. Larger wheels will make it easier to move than casters!

  5. anonymous - thanks for the tip - good thought


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at www.youtube.com/c/plymouthwelshboy. Look forward to hearing from you.