Tuesday 10 March 2020

Building an outboard stand for servicing the outboard

As our nation grinds towards a situation where we will all end up self isolating, now is the time to go down to the garage and build myself an outboard stand. I was going to start this afternoon but I got distracted by garden visitors once more. All photos were taken through the kitchen window when I was supposed to writing material and also sketching out an outboard stand plan - huh! Still, a very nice way to idle away an afternoon.

Make yourselves at home folks, our garden is your garden. 


  1. Me again, I do not express myself to well, sorry. Little wheels get stuck on cracks and pebbles make great wheel chocks -you well be tempted to use bad language. 2 big wheels 10" or so work great. Like a hand truck we call em. Thanks love your sailing videos...there real....Pat

  2. PaPa Pat - thanks for that - good tip - fortunately I dont have to worry about the pebbles :) - however, your point abut big wheels is well made - thanks for the help and glad you enjoy the blog and videos - appreciated



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