Tuesday 19 November 2019

Bits and pieces

I haven't forgotten the blog or my YouTube channel. Family matters have taken priority for a bit and it has been fairly blustery or very wet over the last few weeks. I'm looking for a break in the weather when its cold, crisp, dry and winds are below 20kts!!

I have a few winter projects on the list.
I thought I would try and make some nice wooden blocks for Arwen, so I'm researching that at the moment.

I'm also about to construct a cordura travel roll for my GoPro cameras. 

Lower rub rails on Arwen need a good sand and re-treatment with Burgess wood sealer. 

On the last trip out, it became clear that the new oars are now in the wrong position and/or I need to alter my seated rowing position. So I am researching the construction of a removable rowing seat, extending the rowlocks height wise so I could row standing up. I might even bite the bullet and try to put a sculling rowlock on the transom deck so I can learn to use one of the oars over the transom as a yuloh - if that is at all possible. 

Finally, with an elbow which is prone to hair line fracturing on its own accord, I wonder whether I have reached the time to try and install some two part tackle purchase on the mainsail halyard. I have no idea how to do this so any suggestions would be most welcome.

Meanwhile I'm delaying emptying Arwen completely for winter as I'm hoping to sneak a trip in the next few weeks.

Roger Barnes has posted another 'Masterclass' video - masterclass on how to create an engaging film as well as everything to do with small boats and sailing.  Such a creative guy. Amazing stuff. Enjoy.

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