Monday 25 November 2019

An autumnal walk from Cotehele to Calstock

Misty and drizzly but warm. Lovely walk.

'Shamrock' finally free from her refurbishment tent

Cotehele Quay

Looking downriver

Muddy berths 

Beware when you tie alongside 

Deeper water and flatter bottom alongside the furthest most quayside

Looking upriver towards Calstock 

A visiting boat at low tide

Calstock Quay looking upriver towards Morwellham

Looking upriver from Calstock Boatyard

Looking downriver towards the boatyard


Local artistic talents 

At the boatyard - central river channels - lovely overnight on-board dinghy cruise stops 

At the boatyard

The last bend before Calstock to the left

Autumnal colours in the woods

Looking downriver to Halton Quay

Stunning garland at Cotehele House above the quayside


  1. Steve Nice set of photo, they illustrate exactly why I like this time of year.

    Must try and get to Calstock it's been years since I've been there (nearly 20).


  2. Half an hour with a digger (every couple of months or so) and those quay side berths would be very much improved and might encourage additional visitors?? Lovely pictures though, you live in a beautiful part of the world...

  3. hi Steve - owned by the National Trust and they don't actively discourage boats from arriving but at same time they don't encourage them either. Like to have a donation to the trust if you visit. Like to be warned in advance - all of which is of course basic courtesy. It is one of my favourite visiting spots.

    Max - if you get down this way - and fancy a drink up at Calstock - drop me an email. Calstock is a lovely dinghy cruising destination - however, it has a mixed reception - my welcome at the boatyard has always been amazing. if you moor around the town square area, on the muddy foreshore - you get stung money and then a visit from the local teenagers - not all of whom are friendly. The pub however, across the road, is lovey and welcoming.


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.