Monday 5 August 2019

North Sea to Black Sea - an interesting adventure

I came across this interesting adventure today - worth following I think - good luck to them both - I like ambition in young people.

Their blog is

One of their YouTube videos is this one...


  1. Hi Steve,

    This reminds me of a book a read about an Australian teacher who sailed, rowed and dragged a Mirror dinghy from Chester to the Black Sea. The Unlikely Voyage of Jack de Crow. Its a good read. Shows what you can do in a small boat.


  2. Hi Steve,

    This reminds me of a book that I read. The Unlikely Voyage of Jack de Crow. It was written by an Australian teacher who sailed, rowed and pulled his Mirror dinghy from Chester to the Black Sea. A good read. And shows what you do in a very small boat.


  3. ooww - i'll look out for that book - sounds like a good read. I have always wanted to do something like sailing the rhine or the french canals down to the med in a very small boat - what an adventure that would be

  4. Hi Steve, I am the guy in the video (finn)
    We have completed the journey, it was quite the trip! Appreciate your post :) I am looking at doing another trip this summer, do you have any thoughts on the Atlantic coast of France in a small dinghy ? Or maybe through France ? Thanks

  5. Hey Finn - congratulations on an amazing voyage - absolutely outstanding. My tip for you is to join the dinghy cruising association here in the UK. Then introduce yourself on the closed members forum. I've never sailed out of my home south west waters but there are a huge number of dinghy cruisers in the association who have sailed the french coast, many times. Their knowledge is extraordinary and they give it freely. Very many of them would be very interested in your voyage - it is such an achievement. I suspect that the journal editor Keith Muscott might be interested in an article as well if you were up for it.

    Where are you based - UK? This weekend is the dinghy RYA show at the Alexandra Palace in London. Roger Barnes the president of DCA will probably be there with the DCA stand and he is the man to talk to about sailing the french coastline - particularly the waters of Brittany. DCA members will also have someone who has sailed through France, I'm sure. If you join the dinghy cruising association facebook group - that is an open group and you can enquire there as well - hope this all helps - let me know and well done - you are so inspirational.


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.