Monday 5 August 2019

Discovering my old planning scrapbook for Arwen

When I first decided I would build a navigator back in 2007 or so, I researched everything I could find about the design online.

I printed off pictures and comments about the boat in various forums.

 I contacted people by email and asked for their views.

I annotated pictures, found paint charts and spent ages poring over plans.

I visited little wooden boat shows like Beale Park and took photographs of boat features I liked and might replicate on my navigator build.

I drooled over the build photo files of Barrett Faneuf.  I dreamed about Dave Perillo's 'Jaunty'. I was fascinated by Wilhelm's build.

Anyway, as you can see, clearing through the study and tidying up shelves I found the 'ideas pre-build scrap book'. I can't find the build photographs of Arwen - they are around somewhere in a separate album and will turn up eventually.

Brings back lots of memories of happy evenings after school work spending an hour or so late in the evening when the family had gone to bed - collecting photos and annotating them with random thoughts.

30 pages of annotated photographs and scrawls - a few hours pondering and many cuppas - went into this scrap book

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