Thursday 21 June 2018

Plans for next week

I am intending to sail around the river Tamar during next week.  Monday I will sail up the Lynher to the Treluggan Boatyard. On Tuesday, I will sail up to Calstock, stopping off at Cotehele quay to see the Tamar barge Shamrock before overnighting up at Calstock. Early Wednesday morning - I may motor up to Morwellham Quay before returning down river, hopefully to overnight in the St John's Lake area.

Thursday is a bit open at the moment, depending on whether number one son wishes to join me for a sail to Cawsand; at which point he may stroll around to Barn Pool where I will be waiting on the beach to collect him.

The galley box, built over the winter, will be put to use as will the tarp tent. The weather forecast is for four days of sunny weather with temps around 20C, plenty of sunshine and winds from the E, ESE and S (around 8 - 10 kts each day, with gusts between 10 - 17 kts).

I'm hoping to visit various small boatyards along the way and I will be towing my wee lassie clinker canoe 'Angharad' for the very first time - nothing like a baptism of fire. If any one has any tips for canoe towing, I'm all ears - advice and tips welcome.

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