Wednesday 20 June 2018

Lettuce troughs and transom steps

Torn loyalties this morning, but in the end everything got done.

Her indoors had been patiently waiting for her lettuce troughs and so this morning I finally cut the uprights and loosely assembled the components. A quick test fitting out back along the decking walkway and then they were disassembled for painting.

She is off to choose an appropriately bright colour and after several coats, they should be ready for final assembly and planting out the week after next.

Having sorted that, it was time to cancel the scooter insurance, having recently sold 'Stacey' our old 1960's motovespa 125 super. those who have followed the blog will know it was a 'father/son' restoration project. Anyway the company shall remain nameless but it is rare I am rendered speechless. with 7mths left to run on the insurance they charged me a £50 cancellation fee, refunded £6 and then offered me a £25 discount voucher should I take out insurance with them again; 'and could we add you to our database to receive offers about our products?'
You really couldn't write it could you.................unbelievable...................... .

To calm down I mended the transom step. On my last day sail to cellars beach, I had stepped onto it to get back into the boat and a screw came out and the step went sideways and buckled slightly.

Step straightened out, holes drilled and new holes drilled, the step has been replaced. I felt calmer afterwards and now sit here planning future voyages at the kitchen table.

It has been a busy morning!

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