Sunday 27 March 2016

Troublesome outboard

it kept cutting out when I tried to accelerate on Friday so I am worried. It would chug along happily at just above idle speed. So tomorrow I am testing it in the big bin. I have a hunch that it is to do with position on the transom and that will also be checked as well. It should be 30 - 50 cm below the boat hull bottom and I have a feeling mine is much lower! Ho hum, things to sort.


  1. Might also be a dirty carburretor or filter. Possibly a split in a fuel line? No doubt you'll find the fault with your experience!

  2. I don't know what outboard you have, but it has a filter somewhere. Check to see if it is partially clogged, throttling the fuel flow. I doubt that the problem is the position on the transom.

  3. I think it may be worse
    There is no water coming out from the water outlet which suggests something is blocked somewhere
    Hey ho!
    Thanks for the tips Stuart

  4. Just to rule it out,and as the symptoms sound exactly the same as I was getting, I would suggest changing the plug for a new one...


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