Sunday 27 March 2016

It was so wet.....

Our spell of sunshine didn't last long.  Saturday saw intense downpours. I know! I was in one doing forty miles an hour out in the open!
Stacey our much loved and admired motovespa 125 super needed her annual service and MOT. As I left Westcountry Motorcycles, the heavens opened and the winds rose to violent gusts. I've never been buffeted by wind like it whilst on a scooter. It was as if some invisible hand just stopped you in your tracks. Throttle full on but going nowhere into the vicious headwind.

All rather exciting I must say. Got the old heart rate elevated somewhat. Meanwhile, whilst holding on for grim death, the rain soaked through one berghaus climbing jacket, a North face wind proof jacket, a mountain adventure fleece and a shirt. The Rab thermal, my last line of defence, held it at bay. My berghaus waterproof trousers didn't let a single drop through. Go figure that one.

All in all a rather thrilling Saturday afternoon adventure. 

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