Sunday 6 September 2015

DCA rally this weekend

there is a DCA rally this weekend at Salcombe and I am going to try and make it. It will be my first one. I'm somewhat nervous, I must admit. Having never yet sailed onto or off a beach, rarely onto or off a mooring and similarly onto a mooring buoy, I am feeling somewhat lacking in the prerequisite skills needed. Then there is Arwen, bless her, rigged my way, which is somewhat wrong but hey I guess learning new skills is part of it.
Anyway, I spent this afternoon clearing her innards, sorting out equipment, making lists and doing most of the packing for a one night camp. I'll get food Thursday night and do last bits and pieces then. In the meantime, I need the fine weather to stay through to the weekend and I need Mr OFSTED to hold off visiting us for a fortnight. We are due a reinspection visit imminently and if it is the week after this forthcoming one, then I won't be sailing on the weekend, that's for sure.
So fingers crossed, here's hoping.

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