Monday 7 September 2015

A message from Michael

I received this comment from Michael last night

"Hi Steve
My name is Michael and I am clearing out some of my late fathers items. He had almost completed his Navigator project before he died.  As I do not have the time or inclination to complete the project I have been disposing of items. 
I have a complete set of brand new and unused Hyde sails for a Navigator Gaff Yawl that my father commissioned before the boat was completed. 
If you know of anyone interested in them please pass on my contact details. I would rather these be used on a Navigator if possible. The sails are a red colour and I have receipts that show the cost of the three sails/ribs/bags was £1000.
Kind regards 

If you are interested in these sails because you are building a navigator here in the UK, drop me a comment in the box below and I will pass on Michael's details to you. It would be lovely for Michael to see the sails go to a good home and new navigator boat. 



  1. Don't suppose he mentioned what happened to the boat?

    Max AKA prospective purchaser.

  2. Good question. Will try to find out

  3. I have no doubt that an almost completed Navigator would find a home. There's even a change that I might be interested in taking it off his hands.


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.