Sunday 17 May 2015

Simple pleasures

Simple pleasures include going out on 'Stacey', our 1968 motovespa 125 super.
Today it was a quick trundle in the early morning sunshine over to the Barbican to see the 'Phoenix' before going up onto the hoe for tea and bacon sarnies. The sea was mirror calm at 8am and the morning sun glinted off the sound whilst there was no breeze. Flags hung limply, lethargic, barely able to raise a flutter.
It is amazing how many people were out and about. The city council street cleaning team were out in force preparing the barbican for pirates day. A group of oap's were out for morning breakfast. The crew of phoenix were having their morning briefing. Throw in joggers, cyclists and some walkers and it was nice, relaxed.

'Stacey' behaved impeccably as well.


  1. ...there's probably an interesting story somewhere - but how come your (lovely) scooter has a K plate??

  2. Ha
    Well spotted that man.
    She is 1968 imported by Douglas vespa at Bristol. Some were built under licence at Bristol. Anyway, our motovespa was one of thousands built and stored for a few years as far as I can gather........and so the engine and frame are 1968. She was assembled during '69/70 and registered 1971

  3. ...see .. it is an interesting story... that store must have been an interesting place back in the day...!

  4. Yup
    When we got her it took some detective work but we got there in the end
    She's quite an old lady now, stylish and elegant of course


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