Monday 11 May 2015

More on weather helm

Simeon gave me a good web link

Apparently we don't talk about weather he ml in polite sailing circles....sorry guys! Major phoopah!



  1. A little weather helm is MUCH better than lee helm as the man says. Better to come up in to the wind than broaching (I think!). It may be noisy, but you have a few moments to decide your response. WH be wearing, but only if you stay on the same tack for a long time.
    In your comment the other day about how to stop, having a go at heaving to is well worth the practice (although with your experience, I'm sure you do it all the time).

  2. Rubbish... plenty of weather helm in my boat... :o))

  3. I was being slightly tongue in cheek guys
    Heaving to is done regularly in Arwen

  4. The best helm is a balanced helm, where the yacht steers herself for long periods - some of these old designs (usually deeper forefoots, longer keels than modern designs) that did self steer still had enough 'feel' in the helm to make steering enjoyable.


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