Saturday 14 March 2015


Well, sadly it has come to an end, my love affair with a cafe on the Barbican. The owners have done some remodelling thus ruining its ambiance but I am sure they will feel it is worth it as it will pull the punters in during the winter months. I guess  I can understand it.

However charging £4.95 for three minuscule pancakes, a drizzle of maple syrup and two small rashers of bacon along with £2.00 for a cup of tea...a cup mind you not a blatant profiteering and ridiculous overcharging. The rest of Barbican cafes don't charge that much and thus they will get my custom.

I really can't abide greed. Making a fair profit yes.....blatant greed no. There are plenty of other cafes across the Barbican who will charge £1 for a pot of tea or thereabouts and certainly not a fiver for pancakes! They can have my custom instead.

The end of a five year love affair, Saturday or Sunday mornings will just have to be in another venue from now on.

Am I becoming a grumpy old man in my early fifties? Hope not.


  1. Welcome to the club Steve. I've found myself becoming a grumpy old man, and not because of my personal lot in life. It stems from just what you speak of; people continually raising the cost of items just because enough people will pay. As you, I will quit an establishment without hesitation as soon as I sense this practice. I know I'm an optimist, but I have to believe enough of us grumpy old folks can cause a change. Good for you for being normal in a crazy world!

  2. Poppy bill
    As a teacher I have the patience of a saint with teenagers.....I'm blessed with wonderful neighbours and friends and work colleagues......but just occasionally I can get really irritated real fast....this morning was one of those occasions!
    Thanks for making feel better about myself...I was beginning to feel grumpy!


  3. An entirely reasonable position to take, there's no shortage of cafe's vote with your pound notes

  4. yep i agree
    still its tined with regret because ive good memories of that café but there we go - there are plenty of others

  5. Don't forget to let them know why they have lost your custom.


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