Saturday 21 March 2015

Arwen finally slid off the drive this morning for a wash and scrub out in the lovely spring sunshine.

 Everything was emptied out and her decks, floors and thwarts washed down to remove the black spore mould that seems to proliferate on her during the winter months.

The grating broke so that needs repairing
So much comes out of the lockers!
The oars need sorting as well. they were borrowed and are only 7' long so are way to short for Arwen. I need to get some 9' 6" ones
Arwen needs a refit. There are one or two areas where delamination is happening. Some of the fibreglass has delaminated on the stringers on the floor as well.

This is where water collects when Arwen is on the sloping drive. Just below the blue bungies on the left hand side is where there is some serious delamination

Dents, dings, down to the aluminium undercoat...lots to do. The question is of course whether to do it over Easter or do some sailing and then towards the end of August repaint and repair her before putting her away for the winter.

So many dents and dings need sorting

The mast is looking somewhat forlorn and worst for wear as well. Maintenance after winter......I think sailing at Easter is likely to be delayed!

I am thinking of burgess hydro-sealing the mast - it does needs a spruce up
Pizza and lemonade snack - so healthy!!!!!!!
'Stuff' going back in slowly


  1. Nice 'ores you have got there... ;)

    More sunshine needed on her. and some splash! I hope to see her on the water soon.

  2. Steve I'd seriously advise against Burgess hydroseal, I've used it a lot in the past - on the plus side it's really easy to apply, dries in mintes and looks okay when first applied.

    BUT the colour darkens to a very dirty brown, looks awful and abrasion resistance is poor.

    I just spent the weekend stripping off nasty dirty brown Hyrdoseal I applied to Tosh;s rubbing strips this weekend - what a mess, now scraped sanded and cleaned I used oil - easy to apply and easy to touch up, Tosh lives in the garage so no big deal touching up a few times a season as it takes minutes.

    all the spars are varnished 7 coats I did them 12 years ago, kept in the garage they only need the knocks and scrapes touching up - a quick rub down and 2 top up coats 3 years ago and still looking good - Yacht varnish not the nasty Polywhatitsname.

    If you're convinced of a modern sealer for spars try Cetol, I used it on Matilda Emilie's rails, looked good for two seasons out on the mooring with no cover or maintenance and very hard wearing.

    Good luck


  3. Thanks max
    What oil do you use?
    I want quick, easy, low maintenance


  4. Steve, I used some leftover oil that we put on the hardwood floors . wasn't cheap even by boat standards but it seems hard wearing on the floor even where the sun shines strongly through the windows Max



Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.