Sunday 3 August 2014

The annual Mt. Edgecumbe walk

We completed our annual walk today. It's a favourite done once a year when the weather is fine. We do do other walks by the way! Many are more frequent.....just incase you were thinking us a tad lazy!
This one starts with a coffee at The Boathouse Cafe just on the quayside down from the Mayflower Steps from where the Pilgrim Fathers set sail for lands on other side of the Great Pond!

The rather lovely Cawsand Ferry
Just down from The Mayflower Steps

Then we catch the little Cawsand Ferry for a 30 minute ride across the sound to the village of Cawsand. Regular readers will know this is one of my favourite sailing destinations in Arwen, only it normally takes a couple of hours when I am the skipper!!!

Out past the Citadel

Today's little voyage was pleasant. The sun was shining, winds from the south west and a short choppy swell due to wind against tide conditions, made worse when we had entered the western channel and were out of the protection of the breakwater. 

There were some dollops of spray over the bow and the unwary tourists copped the lot because hardened sailor that i am, I had chosen the appropriate side and position to stay out of the way of spray. It doesn't always go to plan like that I have to confess! 

For a moment I thought they were nose diving..............
........but sadly they bounced back up out of the trough........thy are noisy........but I grudgingly have to admit......probably rather fun!

We hit the beach and crunched across the shingle and up into the village square around 11.00am. 
From there, a stroll around to the neighbouring village of Kingsand, followed by a walk across the little wave cut platform that fringes the steep hillsides before trekking up slope to gain the heady heights above Cawsand Bay. 

The local sailing group were out having fun
I learned to sail in one of these many years ago in Greece.  I am back in Greece soon, on one of these......I suspect it will be a painful and steep relearning curve.......actually I KWOW it will be!!

The scenery is stunning and the views across the sound and city magnificent. 

As we descended down to the shores of Mt. Edgecumbe country park we were greeted by an extensive fair and classic car show; lots of trade stalls, food stalls and bouncy castles. It was a very pleasant, if noisy and crowded end to the walk. 

Wing against strongly flowing outgoing tide in the hamoze narrows. Behind is The Royal William Yard and the new staircase recently put in place to complete this last section of be south wet coastal footpath. Before the stairs a big detour was needed!

Crossing on the cremyll ferry and walking around to The Royal William Yard led to another pleasant surprise.....the Plymouth Lifeboat was having an open day.....but alas our last ferry was about to depart......a lovely cruise back around the front of Plymouth Hoe and back to the landing stages where we had started earlier in the day.......and surprise, surprise......just enough time for a delicious ice cream and listening to a busker in bow tie play a saw with a violin bow.......he was rather good and deservedly drew a large audience and plenty of tips.

I am so lucky to live where I live....what a lovely day, made perfect by the wonderful company of 'her in-doors'.

The unusual perspective for me, seeing the RWY from the sea.


  1. great day out, we haven"t been to Cawsand for too many years (5 I think) - we especialy like walks that start and end in a cafe.

  2. Yeah, it was a lovely walk with lots of little surprises around corners, fine weather and lots of boats


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