Tuesday 5 August 2014

A welsford navigator update

In a roundabout way via the John Welsford yahoo forum, Rik reminded us that Suzi is building a lovely navigator. Well worth a read, some lovely craftsmanship, or should that be craftswomanship? Whatever word you use, Suzi's navigator build is looking stunning and has some simple but clever adaptations. 
In the meantime Arwen's video blog roll has been updated on the menu on the right hand side of this blog. Arwen has her own video YouTube channel. Go to YouTube and type in Plymouthwelshboy.....all one word...to access her videos. 

You can visit Suzi's inspiring blog at 


  1. Steve, just watching your "ready to launch" video, seems like you launch off the road trailer, if so do you strip and re-grease the bearings each time?

    I'm not sure if a piggy back launch/trailer is possible for a boat of Arwen's size, so keen to understand any maintenance/corrosion implications?



  2. Hi Max
    So far, touch wood, it hasn't been a problem in six years. Before I launch I grease the back of the bearings with dollops of marine grease. When the trailer is pulled out, I quickly hose down each time. In the six years bearings seem fine but I have replaced each wheel once. Despite flushing the metal centre of tyres rusts. I do spray them with silicon spray periodically and this seems to have slowed down the rusting issue considerably. It's funny you mention it because the missus and I were only discussing the other day, whether at the end of this summer, it would be good to have the bearings replaced ready for next season.
    A piggy back trailer wouldn't work. Arwen is a little too big for that. An alternative might be a break back trailer of some form where the rear part tips up and the wheels are barely immersed. The other problem, of course, is that Arwen is stored on a sloping drive and it is impossible to raise the wheels off the ground over winter.


  3. Another alternative is to buy a trailer where Arwen is half on or half overhanging if you get my meaning......I.e. from centre thwarts aft, there is no trailer support. In this way, wheels wouldn't need to be immersed . I think Joel bergen over in the states has this trailer style. Next time I am in contact with him, I will sound him out about his trailer choice and the issues of immersion


  4. Just put my pathfinder on a trailer Steve described (mostly after Steve Earley's advice). I haven't launched her yet but that moment is coming closer fast now.

    Check out the blog for updates:

  5. Thanks Rik; I will look tonight at your blog. I think I may need to at some stage rethink Arwen's trailer. But funds are short; Kids need university fees and living expenses and poor Arwen is at the bottom of the list!


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at www.youtube.com/c/plymouthwelshboy. Look forward to hearing from you.