Wednesday 9 July 2014

planning for the Fal expedition!

In thinking about sailing around the Fal for a few days I decided to put out a plea for information to the Dinghy Cruising Association members via their openboat yahoo forum.  And, as always, the gang came up trumps. Lots of useful tips came forth and my thanks go to Oliver, Keith, David, Alistair and Malcolm. Thanks for taking the trouble to help me out guys. Much appreciated.

So the advice and tips? In no particular order:
·         Contact the north west region of DCA who have a week-long rally there every year

·         Mylor harbour has two concrete ramps, one is free, the other has a small charge. Contact the marina office for charges; the trailer and car can be parked here up the ‘valley’; car goes where there is a space. It does involve a brisk ten minute walk back down the valley and you need someone minding the boat if launching here for the aforementioned reason and also because of the brisk rise and fall of tides in this area.

·         Windsport international next to Restronguet Sailing Club might help with car and trailer if launching from ramps at Mylor.

·         Another possible launch site with car and trailer storage is Pascoes boatyard. Phone a man called Jim!

·         Regarding pubs on the waterside? There is Pandora Inn in Restronguet creek, Smugglers Cottage just upriver from the King Harry Ferry, Heron Inn at Malpas, or I could sail up to Truro and tie alongside Tescos!

·         Other suggestions include: St Mawes harbour and then sailing up Percuil river, anchoring near its head and walking overland to Portscatho; or the Helford river with Gillian creek and the Helford sailing club to port and pub at Helford passage to starboard; on a suitable tide I could sail up past Port Navas to Gweek
One possible option is to go and book myself and the boat onto a campsite for a couple of days whilst I visit and reccy these various launch sites and then choose an appropriate one and sail for three days. That sounds fun. I could sleep on-board the boat, or take a small tent and pitch that.
Thanks to the DCA I now have options to consider. There is a particular joy in planning some trips isn’t there.

1 comment:

  1. Few years ago we joined helford river sailing club they do or did a week's visiting membership. Great
    Base and launching facilities only problem then was parking as the local car parks are all pay and display so we had to be there every morning to feed the Meyer.

    Might be worth calling the yard at gweek they have parking and slipway.


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