Tuesday 8 July 2014

being inspired..........

There are people who inspire me. Robert in New Zealand who built a navigator called 'Annie' and makes the most extraordinary musical instruments out of wood. http://middlething.blogspot.co.uk/

Or Joel, an engineer on the west coast of USA who built an extraordinary navigator called 'Ellie' and who always comes up with a solution that is so well thought out and crafted - see his latest blog about his sleeping platform.
Pure simplicity and elegance of design.  http://navigatorjoel.blogspot.co.uk/

There is Steve and his pathfinder 'Spartina'. Steve's penmanship is eloquent; he encapsulates the spirit of 'small adventures'; his sailing skills are honed from many voyages.  http://logofspartina.blogspot.co.uk/

There is Bursledon Blogger who's love of all things to do with the sea and boats just shines through every page he writes. Read his lovely blog at http://bursledonblog.blogspot.co.uk/  he has such a great knowledge of boats; amazing.

In fact any of the blogs listed on my homepage on the menu on the right. For all these bloggers have been an extraordinary source of inspiration, advice and comfort to me.

And lets not forget my friend who started me off on this whole boat building lark in the first place; his patience, wisdom and encouragement have, frankly, been quite legendary. Its a tough course to follow being my friend. The fact he has managed to do it and stay the course for so many years.....inspiring stuff!

And then there is Dylan Winter.

Dylan 'Keeps turning left' along our coastline and is completing, I think, a slow circumnavigation of our fair isles. When he reaches Plymouth, I look forward to welcoming him into our harbour. Dylan is a fine sailor but he has another talent. He makes extraordinary video essays! Here is a master film maker in action........a master class in film making..........elegant, eloquent, simple and emotional.............enjoy.




  1. steve, thanks for the kind words,

    I'm constantly mindful of the generosity of those who provide us with a window to their world through bloggs and film.

  2. You have no idea how much I have learned reading your blog. I now actually recognise the occasional boat I pass - thanks to you. I also admire the encouragement and support you give to youngsters taking up sailing



Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at www.youtube.com/c/plymouthwelshboy. Look forward to hearing from you.