Wednesday 16 July 2014

day two............

Went much better than day one. By the end of the day, all students can sail across the wind, tack correctly and were even racing each other.

One or two fell out of Pecos on occasions providing me with much merriment. The instructor we have at the Mountbatten centre is outstanding. Patient, calm, knowledgeable, enthusiastic and good fun. He understands teenagers completely. Hence the progress being made.

He also deploys a secret weapon; my young friend! As soon as he thinks someone is struggling, she's out of the rib into the dinghy alongside for some demonstration and modelling of moves before hopping back in to the rib. She is an absolute sailing star.

The two of them are an excellent combination.

In the meantime, I just sit back soaking up the sun. Oh yeah!

And today? Well sailing up wind, gybing, rules of the road and knots.
And rain......lots of rain. Oh joy!

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