Monday 14 July 2014

Day one.................

I survived three teenagers in a boat. We came close to capsize on three occasions but quick dumping of main sheet and turning head to wind saved the day although on at least two occasions I was straddling the 'on its side' hull!

My young friend who started sailing with me three years ago is starting her dinghy instructors course by doing work experience at the centre we are using. She is sooooo good and such a credit to our school. An immense privilege watching her in action. Her boys did so much better than mine today.

So onwards and two tomorrow!
Oh my!


  1. With the pathfinder? Oh dear! And the water is cold up there... Why did she nearly fall over? Strong wind or messing about on the leeside?

  2. hi Rik
    No it wasn't in a navigator - it was a laser Bahia!



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