Saturday 22 March 2014

Odd jobs

Those odd jobs that you should do immediately but forget or put off got done on Arwen last weekend. Most urgent was the eyestrap on the rudder blade which secures the down haul. The wood had become damaged and the strap insecure. Twenty minutes with a chisel trimming away some wood rot and the cutting of a new hardwood insert. It fitted perfectly and was glued in and the eye strap re secured. It doesn't look pretty at the moment but when painted over it will be fine.

The elastic bungee cord that stretches across the starboard central thwart was replaced. Over stretched  and salt caked it secures my charts and passage plan notes when on coastal voyages. It was white and blended in with the thwart top so this time I've gone for red!

There one or two screw holes on booms that I hadn't got around to filling; the result of moving some cleats and eyestraps. These were filled with wood filler and sanded down flush. The colour doesn't quite match but at least they are filled.

Doing simple repairs are one of the little joys of owning a small boat. I find doing them as much fun as the actual sailing.


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