Sunday 23 March 2014

a little potter

yesterday was my birthday.....another one come and gone. My beloved 'her in doors' was literally indoors all day with a nasty cold. she barely made it out of bed - very unusual for a lady normally full of bounce and enthusiasm for life. Number one son had gone off to do his volunteering; number one daughter out at work....and all was after weekend household chores that never seem to get done during the week....I had time for potter.

the cattedown looked calm and flat despite the icy south westerly that was blowing. the mountbatten breakwater and old aircraft hangers doing their job as windshields

inside QAB snuggled up against the outer marina wall and pontoon this larger vessel 'challenger 4'
clearly having down time after some serious offshore sailing

and I though I had too many sheets and halyards on Arwen

a hawk 20 sets out for Plymouth Sound

the new university diving centre taking shape; I'm not sure but I suspect they may well also repair their slipway as well

the marina yard is chocka full of large yachts on stands, many of which are for sale. a sign of the times I guess


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