Wednesday 12 March 2014

I'm liking this book!

I try to avoid reviews and recommendations - what one person likes, another dislikes - it is all personal preference at the end of the day - what works for me may not work for others.

However, so far, and it is early days, I am really liking this book

Written By Roger Barnes, President of The Dinghy Cruising Association, the style is warm, good natured, informative without being arrogant or over bearing; it gives sound advice and lovely cameos of his experiences and passion for dinghy cruising. I genuinely can't put the book down. And I have been learning such useful little snippets that I never knew...mainly because I'm inexperienced.

Now at the risk of looking stupid......I never realised I was supposed to reduce the downhaul tension on the luff when on a broad reach; and tension it up real tight when close hauled. I just kept it permanently tight.......well go figure......dur! (God must despair with me - I really am quite thick aren't I)

I hope people find it a good and useful read. I am definitely glad I bought it.

Roger at the helm of his dinghy


  1. Curious why the downhaul tension should be reduced. That's a new one on me too. I know the clew tension should be eased (or outhaul tension in your case) on a reach to but more belly in the sail, but downhaul? What would that do?

  2. Yeah it's sort of got me puzzled and I don't even understand what I'm doing half the time. He does hint at talking more about rigging and sail control in a later chapter so I'm hoping it becomes clearer and I haven't missed the point somewhere


  3. Not sure, but wouldn't easing the downhaul also put, or help, put more belly in the sail? Just a thought.

  4. Hi bob
    I'm sorta guessing that was what he was hinting at but being a new sailor I'm not always sure about things like that. However it will be fun playing about in Arwen to find out what does happen to the sail when I do ease the down haul!!!!!



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