Thursday 6 February 2014

from The Telegraph

more pictures emerging of life here in the south west after yesterday's storm - all photographs copyright 'The Telegraph' newspaper

 Part of the railway line connecting south west England to the rest of the country run along a lovely stretch of coastline. here at Dawlish Warren.......well the photographs say it all. Suffice to say, the Army have been mobilised to come help put all this right!

Meanwhile around the rest of the coastline in Devon and Cornwall.......

this is the main road connecting Kingsbridge to the Torquay area
I fish off this beach frequently in the summer
The beach seems to have moved somewhat inland!
And over on the Somerset levels, poor people there have been enduring 7 weeks of complete inundation. Or complete mismanagement of a crisis by our government, depending on your viewpoint!

If you want to know more about the weather conditions we are facing; the plight of people in Somerset and the issues surrounding flooding in the UK and how to manage it in the future, the BBC has some good information and video clips at


1 comment:

  1. that pic of Porthlevin is incredible - won't surprise me to see it turn up on a poster, you've had things really bad down your way


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